3 Ways to Live the Easter Season Intentionally

He is Risen, Alleluia!

It's Easter, and what good news that is! As you soak up the newness and celebrations, remember that this season is so much more than one day of Easter baskets and parties. 

The Church invites us into a season of 50 days (even longer than Lent!) of joy and resurrection.

Here 3 ways to let this joy be our focus during these coming weeks:

  1. Get outside! God’s creation can be the most simple, beautiful reminder of His life in and around us. (Plus, maybe it’s getting warmer where you are!)

  2. Play or listen to music. This is a time for celebrating! Make some extra space in your days to worship, dance, and thank God for what He has done.

  3. Spend time in Scripture. Read over the Gospel accounts of the Resurrection and place yourself in the scenes to imagine what it must have felt like to see Jesus alive after being at the Cross with Him.

Christ's love has taken our suffering, what we previously thought to have no point or merit, into something truly redemptive. 

Here’s to living in the joy of Christ’s Resurrection!