Sunday Series
The Sunday Series provides reflections on the Mass readings for each Sunday and Solemnity, featuring voices that range from priests and seminarians to parents and students. These reflections are a wonderful way to dive into the weekly Mass readings on their own or as a supplement to your ESS Mass journal.
To read the Sunday Series, use the calendar to navigate or scroll below.
From the first days of our Kickstarter until now - the blog explores our favorite things (Camino! The Rosary!) as well as provides tips and resources for using your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal.
If you are looking for new ways to enter into Scripture or if you are looking for an easy first step, Lectio Divina is a beautiful option! Here we offer a few tips and tricks on how to enter into Scripture through this ancient prayer method.
We may not always see God answer our prayers in the way we expect, but He is always present and listening. Read on as we describe how the “Weekly Intentions” section of your ESS journal can help you bring your desires to the Lord each Sunday.
This summer, we are working on setting aside time to sit and connect with God. Join us in reflecting on these three questions during your own time of prayer and silence!
Going to Mass is so important, but it can often be difficult to remain faithful in attending. Here we share three ideas to help you get excited for Mass!
Ordinary time, the longest of the liturgical seasons, is filled with so much goodness. Read more about the little things that make this season so beautiful and to learn more about entering into prayer even in the mundane!
Ordinary Time is upon us and it is a great opportunity to incorporate prayer into every aspect of your life! Our friend Valerie Delgado offers some advice in how you can stay rooted in prayer throughout the year.
If you’ve been struggling in your relationship with Jesus, we have three helpful tips on how to enter more fully into your friendship with Him.
Looking for a gift for Father’s Day? Whether your dad likes learning new things or he likes to keep it sleek and meaningful, we’ve got you covered.
Are you showing up for Mass and finding it difficult to be present and undistracted? You are not alone! Read what our friend Gabrielle had to say about this struggle.
As we continue this 50-day season of joy and resurrection, we offer you three ways to help let joy be your focus!
This Lent, we invite you to enter more fully into the Mass with your Mass Journal. Read on for tips and a free download!
This Lent, we’re intentionally praying with the Sunday Mass readings throughout the week. Download our free Lent Habit Tracker and join us!
Before you start planning your fasts and prayer practices for the desert, pause and be present in this season of growth, greens, and goodness.
If Lent has you feeling anxious, remember that the Lord invites you to enter into this season of fasting and praying so that you may grow closer to Him—it’s all a gift from God to offer back to Him! Read on to learn of a few ideas to help you stay strong in your fasts and prayer plans this Lent.
Lent is about faithfulness, not perfection. If you're feeling overwhelmed by Lent this year, we have 4 things for you to keep in mind…
Hi friends! Here we talk about 3 possible fruits of reading the Sunday Mass readings ahead of time. We hope you are able to find the time to sit with the readings sometime this week before Mass!
Mary Our Beloved Mother and Intercessor