How to Get Excited About Mass: 3 Ideas

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1324-1327), states that, "The Eucharist is "the source and summit" of the Christian life. Truly, going to Mass every Sunday is the most important thing we do each week. 

However, like any other commitment we make, it can be difficult to remain faithful and joyful about following through week after week. When life is busy and overwhelming, we need to take some extra steps to keep God first.

These three things help us remain excited about saying yes to God every Sunday:

  1. Keep track! We often get used to going to Mass and we forget that every time we say “yes”, God delights! Put your Sunday tracker in a visible place. 

  2. Use liturgical colors when you use the tracker and your Mass journal. Get our pen pack if you want.

  3. Celebrate. Every weekend we get the opportunity to witness Heaven meet earth. This is a great gift! Honor your “yes” by celebrating it with a nice meal or quality time with family. This also makes for a beautiful Sabbath.

What would you add to this list?