My Mass Encounter Series No. 01 // Laurie Medina

Welcome to our My Mass Encounter series! Our mission at Every Sacred Sunday is to invite each person into deeper relationship with Christ by creating spiritual resources inspired by the beauty of the Catholic Church. In this monthly Q&A we will interview various Catholic individuals to share more about their personal prayer life and how they engage with the Mass. Our goal is to provide our community with beautiful insights that draw us into a deeper relationship with God. We’re so glad you’re here and welcome to the ESS fam!


Tell us a little bit about yourself. What has your faith journey been like? What has your relationship to the Mass been throughout your life?

While I grew up Catholic and went to a Catholic school through high school, it wasn't until I had a reversion in college that I felt truly connected to the Mass. It was during the spring semester of my first year there that I began to slowly give my heart back to the Lord in the form of going to Daily Mass at St. Mary's, our Catholic Student Center. I felt, for the first time, that I was a part of something bigger than myself. I was comforted by the repetition, the stability, and the rhythm: all things I sorely lacked in my own life. It was through going to Mass that I finally found, not only the springboard from which my personal prayer would flourish, but the community and guidance I needed to more seriously pursue a life of faith. 

What has helped you stay rooted in prayer this past year?

I would venture to guess that I am not alone in saying that my prayer life has radically changed since and throughout the pandemic. At first, I found myself feeling frustrated and disappointed that my relationship with the Lord wasn't "what it used to be", but I have since come to appreciate the dynamism of the Interior Life. I find that reconnecting to the Scripture has been huge for me this year, especially the Old Testament. There is so much to learn from sitting at the feet of those who have waited, grieved, longed, lamented, hoped, and praised long before me. There is something freeing about allowing myself to come alive in their stories and seeing the movements of my heart unfold in theirs. Remembering what God has done frees me up to be present to what He is doing now, and I am learning that perfect clarity or certainty in prayer may not always exist (and that’s okay).

How do you avoid distraction and stay centered in prayer during Mass?

One thing I'll say is that I find it important to not be too hard on myself when distractions come (because they will). Participating in the Mass involves all of us, so even if we are distracted, we offer ourselves as we are to the Lord, and He delights in that. Even if you spend the whole time recentering yourself, as St. Francis de Sales says, it will still be an hour well spent. Continually place yourself in the presence of the Lord and try your best to stay focused. That’s all He really asks from us. Some practicals for me include driving in silence on the way to Mass (because nothing is worse than having a random song on repeat in your head!), having the scripture readings in front of me during the Liturgy of the Word, sitting near the front, and fully participating in the Mass by watching and listening carefully, and entering into the interior and exterior postures asked of us. It also helps me to hold at the center of my heart any intention(s) I may have: the special intentions I am praying for, and the personal sacrifices I want to unite to Christ's sacrifice on the altar.

What advice would you give our readers who struggle to enter into the Mass?

I would say, first of all, to be gentle with yourself. Everyone, at one point, struggles with being fully present in prayer. Even St. Therese of Lisieux fell asleep in her holy hour sometimes. So, it is okay to be distracted or to struggle. What is not okay is giving up! So, keep showing up. Come as you are. The Lord delights in poor, hidden souls, and it is only when we are weak that He can be strong. Remember that the Mass isn't about you and has nothing to do with what you do. It has everything to do with what the Lord is doing, who He is for you, and what He desires for you.

How does ESS help you prepare, engage, and reflect on the Mass? How does the ESS Mass Journal fit into your prayer routine?

Sometime prior to attending Mass, I try to spend some time with the readings in my Mass Journal -- underlining what phrases stand out and praying with the Scriptures ahead of time using Lectio Divina -- so that when it comes time for the Liturgy of the Word, the readings have already started to make their way into my heart. During the Mass, it helps me to make notes on the homily and/or return after Communion to journal my own reflections, or add extra revelations in the margins. The ESS Mass Journal helps me to live liturgically; to not just listen to the Word but to allow it to permeate all aspects of my life and call me home.


Laurie Medina is a graduate of Texas A&M University and a second-year participant in the Echo Graduate Service program with the University of Notre Dame. She loves spending time outside, getting creative, having heart conversations over coffee, and finding beauty in the holy ordinary. You can find her curled up on the couch re-reading Joy of the Gospel, arranging flowers on the dining room table, or watching Gilmore Girls for the millionth time. You can also find her on Instagram or read her latest blog posts for Life Teen.