Welcome to our My Mass Encounter series! Our mission at Every Sacred Sunday is to invite each person into deeper relationship with Christ by creating spiritual resources inspired by the beauty of the Catholic Church. In this monthly Q&A we will interview various Catholic individuals to share more about their personal prayer life and how they engage with the Mass. Our goal is to provide our community with beautiful insights that draw us into a deeper relationship with God. We’re so glad you’re here and welcome to the ESS fam!
Image from Jacob Bentzinger Photography.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. What has your faith journey been like? What has your relationship to the Mass been throughout your life?
Born in South Korea and raised in the United States, I am an artist and educator currently residing in Los Angeles. As a cradle Catholic with a devout single mother, it was her heroic act of daily fidelity to the faith that began my introduction to the Catholic church. I grew up in the church, and it was there that I found friends, learned about life and about God. For the first half of my life, Mass was something I participated in, but didn’t fully understand. My desire to be good and follow the rules helped with weekly attendance and historical head knowledge, but it didn’t help with worship. When the time was right, God allowed me to have a period of questioning and doubt, which helped me to deconstruct what I was participating in, why I was doing it, and who I was encountering. I thank God that my period of doubt never led to abandonment. By still being able to stay connected to the source and summit of our faith, I eventually found my way back with an even stronger love and vigor for the faith. As life continues to unfold, I look forward to gaining deeper insight into the mysteries of the Mass.
Can you recall a Mass that was especially meaningful or memorable for you? What was it like?
In the months following a particularly difficult break-up, I found incredible solace in attending Mass at a local parish just a few blocks from my apartment. The music was lackluster, the building a remnant seventies era chic, and the homilies were about as inspirational as the nutritional facts on a cereal box… but the community had soul, and I was warmed by their love for each other and God. During one particular Mass, something about seeing the same group of elderly volunteers offering their time to usher, to read, to help collect offertory, and bring up the gifts pierced my heart. Their faces were humble, gentle, and full of love. I broke down in tears as I watched them do what they could to contribute to the work of God here on earth. That day, I learned that great acts of love can come in small and humble packages, and that God was using them to show me that he was with me always, never wavering in his dedication or offering of grace.
What has helped you stay rooted in prayer this past year?
Like most wins in my life, it was necessity not virtue that helped me to stay rooted in prayer this past year. With the disruptive nature of the pandemic, I began to contend with anxiety as the days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. In an effort to relieve this state of being, I turned to journaling and exercise. Journaling helped to make sense of my emotions and get them out without judgment or worry, and exercise helped with my mood and gave me the confidence that comes with looking healthier. Both of these touchstones provided the consistency and steadiness I needed which allowed for prayer, gratitude, and hope to flow in more naturally.
How do you set each Sunday apart from the rest of your week? Why is this important?
Growing up in a world that values production, I always defaulted to taking on the role of the martyr, proudly holding busy-ness and stress as a badge of honor—even on Sundays. Burning the candle on both ends not only resulted in negative health effects and sub-par work, but it made me resent others who were able to enjoy rest and relaxation. Intentionally creating a day to “pray and play” helped me tap into my childlike wonder and awe. This increased my creativity and joy. Currently, my Sundays begin with morning coffee with my wife, Mass at our local parish, and the permission to play in ways that are intentionally “unproductive.” As a recovering workaholic, I have come to appreciate the genius and necessity of sabbath rest.
How does ESS help you prepare, engage, and reflect on the Mass? How does the ESS Mass Journal fit into your prayer routine?
The biggest benefit I’ve seen with using the ESS journal has been in the notes I’ve started to take during the readings and homily. The act of writing helps me to clarify and reinforce the messages from the scriptures, providing marching orders for the week ahead. We are meant to be “sent forth” from the Mass to take the good news beyond the four walls of the church, and having this guide has been tremendous in helping me to share what I have received.