December 8, 2022: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

As I read today’s readings, I placed myself into the narrative for a change of perspective. What stood out to me as I pondered these stories were two things: God’s perfect timing and his unending faithfulness.

I decided to step into the shoes of Elizabeth, the one “who was called barren”, as she continued to walk in faith, even though her prayer for a child had gone unanswered for years. Consider what would have happened if John the Baptist had been born 5, 10, or even 20 years earlier? Think of how John the Baptist could not have been the forerunner to Christ as he was. Or how the miracle of the Visitation would not have taken place. In God’s providence, Elizabeth’s prayer was answered at the appointed time and place so as to fulfill His long-awaited plan.

How often do we feel as though God’s timing is wrong? I can recall numerous occasions of asking “why” to a seemingly unanswered prayer because I was trying to dictate the plan instead of cooperating with God’s plan.

This brings us to today’s celebration, as we honor our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Conception and give thanks for the incredible “yes” that was answered thousands of years after the fall of our first parents, Adam and Eve. Think for just a moment about how our Heavenly Father set into motion a plan in which He accompanied His people for generations- all the way up until Sts. Joachim and Anne conceived a daughter free from original sin, who was destined to become the New Eve and bear a son that would save the world. Isn’t that just incredible? I can’t help but be in total awe of the Father’s love for us!

This plan was one of fidelity and trust, two words that don’t always describe my posture towards the Father and His plans. So today I am re-orienting myself and asking Jesus and Mary to give me the strength to say “yes” to whatever the Lord is calling me to in this season of my life. I invite you to join me, that we may all boldly proclaim as Mary did: “May it be done to me according to your will.”

Susie Lopez is a life-long Texan who enjoys training for marathons, watching baseball games, the smell of bacon in the morning, and jamming to 80’s songs in H-E-B. She works for a national Catholic apostolate, the St. John Paul II Foundation, where she gets to serve the Church with her Martha-like gifts, while slowly becoming more like Mary. Come say hello on Instagram!


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