January 1, 2023: Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

In today’s Gospel, Mary is amazed by the shepherds who know to come and adore her newborn son before He’s even a day old. She tucks away this surprising moment for future contemplation.

“Mary kept all these things, reflecting in her heart.”

When I recall the many things I’ve kept to myself for reflection – or rumination – I can’t help but remember how often I’ve reflexively locked God out of these moments. I fall prey to the enemy’s lie that I must be self-sufficient, and learn to sort out the meaning of a significant experience on my own. But if there’s anyone who should always have the privilege of holding our secret and confounding moments with us, it’s Him.

Though it’s not explicitly said in this or any Gospel where Mary holds an event close to her heart, it is more than reasonable to infer that she shared these moments with God. She likely didn’t share them with others at first because she could hardly make sense of them herself. But in her boundless, admirable faith, she surely must have trusted that God could help her see what she couldn’t, or at least to humbly accept her limited understanding for the time being.

There’s a temptation, when we guard our hearts, to take that too far and bar from entry the very One who can help us when all else fails. Any dream worth protecting, any time of joy worth holding, any sorrow worth cradling- it is all worth revealing to God, that He might shine His light of infinite wisdom upon them.

Don’t let confusion, fear, even wonder and amazement keep you from taking your life to God. He longs so deeply to help you to see the world as He sees it. Mary’s loving obedience shows us the way. With this New Year, let us resolve to live by her example.

Perpetua Charles works as a book publicist in Boston, Massachusetts. She loves the Lord, TV, Disney princesses, books, 90s-00s teen pop, and the color pink. Say hi on Instagram!


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