January 15, 2023: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

“You are my servant Israel, through whom I show my glory.”

Today’s first reading reminds me of the fear that I had as a young adult in college. I had just got my license the year before, and was now a freshman who didn't know what to do with their life. What was my calling? Where is my life meant to go? What career am I to choose? There is no doubt that every person has experienced the anxiety of an unknown future. In addition, this year I have had to reflect on if my actions or inactions have been in service to the Lord or in service to my own wants. Am I a light to those around me or do I dampen the light of others? Does my light bring warmth, unity, or peace? Does my service to others glorify God or glorify myself? Sometimes my intentions can be clouded by my own interests, but I am reminded that we are the Lord’s hands and feet, and Christ’s light burns so brightly in those who are willing to receive His mission first. Today’s reading gives us a clear answer of all we are meant to be: His servant. 

The truth is, no matter what career, vocation, or profession we choose, each of us are called to be servants of Christ. A servant is a devoted and helpful supporter of a mission. As a Church we are under Christ’s mission: to love and glorify God. He calls each of us to be a light to the nations and to be a light to every person we encounter. Some of us are called to a particular career or vocation; for many that calling is not so clear, but the Lord sees us in all of our uncertainty and calls us to serve him wherever we are with whoever is in our midst. We are called to serve others through every vocation and every career. To serve the stranger, the neighbor, the family member that bugs you, the friend that you haven’t seen in awhile, the coworker you don’t get along with, and everyone in between. As the hands and feet of Christ earth-side, it’s our privilege and duty to serve so that others may see His glory.

May we pray today, Lord may I be a servant of your will and not mine. May my words, thoughts, and actions bring light to your people. Instill in me the courage and humility to serve with noble purpose. It is your heart in me. May I serve you from glory to glory. Amen. 

Kathryn Sevilla is just your everyday young adult striving to abide in Christ Jesus. She loves worshipping, dancing, and laughing until she cries. Her passions include bubble tea and spontaneous heart to heart convos. Follow her on Instagram.


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