July 7th, 2024: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

I grew up in a Catholic home. However as a young adult, I went through a period of time where I only attended Mass on the holidays and whenever I went home to see my parents. The flame of faith was still burning, but it was very dim: my relationships and priorities needed reordering. Once I moved home and found a new parish family, my relationship with the Lord and the Church grew and deepened. I felt as though my life had truly begun! This reignited devotion has brought forth tremendous blessings and has become the lens through which I try to live my life.

Of course, not everyone in my life shares the same faith or zeal. Often when conversations surrounding our Catholic beliefs and practices arise, a tension creeps in that is almost palpable. I can feel my mind and body strain against this tension, and I count my words with great care and concern. While it’s very important to me to foster loving, positive relationships in my life, not being able to fully share myself with those closest to me is painful. 

This hurts especially when someone close to me is experiencing their own trial or crisis of faith. How I long to share the love of Christ and the wisdom of the Church with those who are hurting or are searching for more! Jesus knew that pain, too, as told in Mark’s Gospel today. Some of those who knew Jesus most intimately were the most obstinate toward His teaching and ministry. They took offense at Him and rejected Him. I wonder how Jesus’ heart ached at their lack of faith and not being able to fully share Himself. 

Discipleship can be a challenge even in our own backyard among our family members or friends. While there’s no one perfect solution, relying on the guidance of the Spirit with an open, tender heart is perhaps a good place to start. We don’t have all the answers this side of the veil, but if bringing Christ’s love and mercy to others is the intent, I believe He will guide our efforts to bring souls closer to Himself. If those efforts are cast off, let us shake the dust from our feet and continue in love as Christ did. 

My prayer today is that we never become complacent in our relationship with Christ and, guided by the Spirit, share His love.

Carmen is a wife and mother of two in midwestern Iowa. She has a Master of Arts degree in Sacred Theology and has a special passion for writing about motherhood through the lens of faith. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, making rosary bracelets, growing her collection of houseplants, and exploring new microbreweries across Iowa with her husband.