March 29th, 2024: Good Friday of the Lord's Passion

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

I spent Good Friday of 2020 in my childhood bedroom.

Like most of us, the pandemic locked me up tightly that Spring, both physically and spiritually. Not only was I confined to one house for months, but the rooms of my heart were also radically stripped bare and stuck in one place. 

There was no hiding from God that year.

In the quiet, I knew the Lord wanted me to pray with Good Friday more intentionally, but I had no idea where to start. I decided simply that I would take the day to myself. (You can imagine my family’s reaction when I asked them for some “extra space” as we all navigated the same few hallways). Nevertheless, I holed up in my room with the door closed, with no phone and no plan.

I fidgeted around the room for hours, eagerly waiting for some big prayer experience. I waited for the sadness to hit me. I begged the Lord to start explaining the meaning of this day to me. Maybe an audible voice from You this year, Lord?

Nothing. That day ended about as silent as it began.

Recently, as I thought about that Good Friday, I found myself thinking about John at the foot of the Cross. Why did he go all the way? Did he hear something that the other Apostles missed? I wrestled with the thought and landed on an answer. Probably not. It wasn’t his understanding that led him to the Cross with Jesus; it was his love.

I don’t know what expectations you have for this solemn day. If you’re like me, you might be putting pressure on yourself to feel something deeper or pray it the “right” way. 

Let me remind you: there is no “right” way. Just go His way.

You don’t need to have a radical revelation today or suddenly understand what salvation means. Honestly, my own prayer still goes quiet when I get to Good Friday. All I can think to do is to sit at His feet, asking Him plainly: “Why did You do this for me?”

Today, maybe Jesus is inviting you to do the same. Sit quietly, and look up at Him on the Cross.

With His eyes set on you, let Jesus Himself tell you His Good News in the silence of your heart:

“I did this for you, because of love.”

Aubrey Major is a recent college grad living in the Midwest and working in design and digital marketing. She is passionate about using her creativity to help people see the detailed love of God in their beautiful, ordinary lives. Join her in making art and collecting inspiration here.