November 27, 2022: First Sunday of Advent

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

I believe we’re living in a time where it has never been more exciting to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. I see the Lord raising up leaders dedicated to the simplicity of the Gospel message, which is loving God and loving people. The call in the book of Romans to awake from our sleep wasn’t just for the Roman people of the day, but to you and to me to be people of light; to make absolutely no room, provision or opportunities for the desires of the flesh, but to courageously and boldly live a life of simplistic holiness. We have no idea when the second coming of Christ will be, but the message has been very clear to remain alert, sober, and to be awake.

I see a lot of moments and areas in my own life where I have fallen asleep or allowed myself to become apathetic in my pursuit of Jesus. It’s so incredibly easy to be swayed by the empty promises of the world. My encouragement to you is just the reminder that we have been called to enter and live in the house of the Lord. We have been called by the Lord to awake from our slumber of sin and allow Him to work powerfully through us to hasten His second coming. The evil one will lie to you and say that what you do in the dark will stay in the dark; no one has to know. But what’s done in the dark will eventually come to the light because nothing is hidden from God. It says in the second reading that we are to throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. The power of God’s light shining through us is powerful! And this power of God’s love can slice through our apathetic and lethargy spirit- if we allow Him.

Friends, the Lord is calling you right NOW to become awakened, or even reawakened to the power given to you through the Holy Spirit and to live a life of freedom. Life with Jesus is so worth it and the light shining through you has the power to pierce this dark world. Will you allow His light to shine through you?

Ali Hoffman has a passion for Jesus, preaching the Gospel, the Catholic Church, her family, donuts, pilot G-2 .38 pens, and dancing in the kitchen with her dad. She believes in the simplistic holiness Jesus is calling us into and occasionally doodles. You can find more of her work on Instagram.


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