November 17, 2024: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

The Apocalypse. The Rapture. The End Times. The End of the World. It’s been talked about for millennia by Christians, pagans, and atheists alike. For a large portion of the population this is the worst thing that could happen. For Christians…it’s what we’ve all been waiting for.  

This week, Mark gives us Jesus’s description of the coming of the Son of Man, whose angels will gather the elect from the ends of the earth. One thing is for sure—we must be prepared. Does this mean that we need to be stressing out, constantly looking over our shoulders, and going to confession every day, just in case the final judgement comes after lunch? Not at all! Luckily, Paul’s letter to the Hebrews contains a nugget of wisdom to help guide us.

Paul speaks of the priests, each of whom is called to “stand daily at his ministry.” Paul says that, although their frequently offered sacrifices can never take away sins, the sacrifice of Christ has “made perfect forever those who are being consecrated.” Each of us is made a priest in the universal priesthood through our baptism. We too must stand daily at our ministry and allow the sacrifice of Christ to consecrate us and those around us. 

This means that in our daily lives, as each of us live out our universal priesthood, we are being prepared for the coming of Christ. Our sacrifices, joys, and tribulations, unique to each of our vocations, are what help make us holy and unite us to the sacrifice of Christ. 

The young priest saying Mass every day at 6 am for the same 3 retired ladies, without giving into the temptation to be lukewarm. 

The experienced religious sister choosing to love her new novitiates who don’t yet understand the mission of the order, instead of giving into the temptation to be frustrated and lose hope.  

The celibate, single person struggling with gender dysmorphia or same-sex-attraction, pursuing the sacraments and the heart of Christ, in spite of popular culture causing distraction and confusion.

The exhausted mom or dad saying grace to foster a love of Christ in their children, before chicken nuggets fly across the kitchen—again. 

Each of us are individually and uniquely called to stand daily in our ministry and seek relationship with Jesus Christ, who fervently desires our friendship. This is how we prepare ourselves and those entrusted to us for Christ’s coming in Glory on the clouds of heaven. We want to make sure that when we meet Jesus—as we all inevitably will—the lives we have led here on earth will enable us to recognize Him, and make us ready to enter into His eternal kingdom. 

In what ways can you, in your unique state of life, prepare to recognize Christ when you see Him face to face?

Tomás Aguilar is a Marine Corps Officer living his childhood dreams of being a husband father. He’s from Pennsylvania but currently resides in Monterey, California where he’s studying for his Masters in National Security Affairs. Check out his family’s Instagram to see their world travels and his beautiful wife and daughter (Natalye and Verona) as they strive to bring their family closer to Christ.