October 2, 2022: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

Perhaps because I am a product of American Catholicism, I find myself often falling into the trap of trying to earn Heaven. During my time serving as a missionary I often felt anxiety, and wondered if I was doing "enough". To have a “servant’s heart” was a badge of honor, and ironically, in my chasing such a title, I lost the point of service.

The heart of service is love, and never in my life has that been more apparent to me than now. My husband and I are pregnant, and I have turned into a tired, cranky, nauseous shell of my former self. Meanwhile, Daniel has cooked, cleaned, served, and loved non-stop for the past two months. Every time I tearfully thank him, he simply replies “this is what I am called to do”.

Today’s Gospel is an illustration of the place of both faith and works in our lives. The disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith, but he responds by sharing with them how even the smallest amount of faith can work wonders. Faith is not just a set of beliefs; it needs to be lived out in our works. St. Mother Teresa comes to mind when reflecting on this. Although she experienced many years of darkness, she lived her faith in her service to the poor. Faith and works are two sides of the same coin: rooted in trust and love. Jesus shares the analogy of the servant and master, noting that the servant is simply doing what is required of him. It is an uncomfortable pride check for me to realize that perhaps my service should not say anything about me, but rather the One who commands it.

Jesus, in these moments when I am overwhelmed by my pride, I ask that you would give me the grace of faith to know that You want me, and You love me. Armed with that Love, help me to serve others with a heart of humility and openness.

Regina Gray, LPC-A works as a mental health counselor in Austin, TX. She specializes in working with survivors of trauma and abuse, utilizing art and creative interventions to help her clients process their experiences. Regina and her husband are avid Survivor fans, and when not watching a new season, they can be found hiking, playing board games, or finding new places to eat!


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