October 3, 2021: Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark 10:14)

This year I am embarking on my first full year of teaching Elementary school. While teaching in a pandemic has not been the most ideal, being surrounded by so many little lives has already taught me so much. As someone who takes life so seriously I always ask the Lord to grant me a childlike heart, more times than I’d like to admit.  When I am with my students I often try to remember what it felt like to have such wonder and awe for new things and new experiences. They don’t think twice about what will happen months ahead and they are always captivated by the littlest things. They entrust me with their whole day and rely on me to learn and grow and hopefully get them to lunch on time. As I read our gospel today I was left with this: the Kingdom of heaven belongs to the childlike heart.

When I first read this gospel it seemed pretty obvious that we are called to have hearts like children and to be child-like, which is true. I think sometimes we forget that though we age, we are still God's children. We will always be children in His eyes as He should be looked to as a Father in ours. 

 The little flower herself said it best, “My little way is the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute self surrender” (St. Therese of Lisieux).

We long to carry the heart of a child. One that relies on the Father. One that is completely dependent on his love. One that craves the comfort and embrace of the Father. One that hopes and trusts in his care. 

It is a child’s spirit that teaches us how to love God as our Father, and it is that very spirit that belongs in eternity with Him. 

Let’s pray together this week: Lord, grant that I may see my littleness. Help me to see through the lens of a child dependent on You. Help me to see your wonder in the small moments. I entrust myself to You who seeks to listen and to comfort. May I rest in your embrace. Amen.

Kathryn Dore is just your everyday young adult striving to abide in Christ Jesus. She loves worshipping, dancing, and laughing until she cries. Her passions include good eats and spontaneous heart to heart convos. Come say hi on Instagram!