September 18, 2022: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

Today’s Gospel offers a natural opportunity in considering our own personal habits, particularly those in relation to honesty and trustworthiness. Our daily choices, both in “very small matters” and “great ones”, challenges our human nature, which can value personal comfort and convenience over the good of others. By living a life of honesty and truthfulness, we recognize and honor the dignity of those around us. We serve God when we love others well.

Some questions to consider: Am I true to my word? Do I show up when I say I will? Do I frequently cancel on others last minute? Can others trust me to not share sensitive information? Do I do the right thing even if no one is watching? Do I cut corners for my own benefit? Is my behavior consistent across my public and personal life?

Now - easier said than done, am I right? The litany of questions above came to me quite easily since they run through my own head. Reading today’s Gospel felt like a loving but direct gut check. I want to be that person who shows up, who is a safe place for others to share, who has integrity no matter the circumstance. It is a beautiful thing to offer to others and a tremendous way to glorify God in our daily choices. Holiness requires discipline and accountability. It can’t be said more clearly that “no servant can serve two masters” – we follow our will or we follow the Lord’s way. The choice is ours.

Growing in virtue is a good and worthy pursuit, but we do so with an understanding of our own humanity. I often have this vague notion that I will “arrive” at a certain place or version of myself where I will no longer fall into the same pattern of sin or temptation. Rather than get overly scrupulous or defeated in our own smallness, it is a reminder of how badly we need Jesus. It involves a daily pilgrimage of the heart back towards the King of Mercy. The greater we will grow in love, mercy, and compassion the more grace we obtain to make the decisions to become honest and trustworthy in God’s own image.

Father, guide me in my decisions and teach me to love like You did. Amen.

Christie Peters is co-founder of Every Sacred Sunday as well as an artist and educator. Her favorite things include her pup named Peaches, Ignatian spirituality, aerial dance, and a good soup. Come say hi on Instagram!


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