3 Reasons to Read the Sunday Mass Readings Ahead of Time

It’s easy to feel rushed in prayer, especially with Sunday Mass. By the time you get you and your family dressed, driven, and in the pews, it’s easy to just settle in and let your mind wander.

This is why it’s so helpful to read the Sunday readings ahead of Mass. 

You could do this on a weekday evening, Saturday morning, or 10-15 minutes before Mass begins. There is no correct answer to when you should read the weekly Mass readings and write down your thoughts. Just try making the time and see what God does!

Here are 3 possible fruits of reading ahead:

  1. Remembering // When we read the readings multiple times throughout the week (days before Mass, in the pew before Mass starts, during the liturgy, etc.), God’s Word sticks in our memory. Next time you need some encouragement, you’ll know where to go in Scripture based on what you’ve prayed with before.

  2. Listening // Hearing God’s voice can be hard. By reading ahead for Mass, we create more time for God to speak to us through Scripture. We can listen slowly, instead of rushing.

  3. Resting // Instead of frantically trying to settle into Mass, you can experience rest. Sit down and simply continue the conversation that you already started with God days, hours, or minutes before. 

Remember — the point isn’t to burden yourself with a chore or to make yourself feel guilty but to develop a mindset of intentionality and a deeper desire to spend time with Our Father.