My current fave - a note from Christie

Hey friends, Christie here - I am one of the co-founders of Every Sacred Sunday along with Kassie Manning. We created our first ever Mass journal in 2017 and today I wanted to share about one of my favorite tools to stay organized - our new Sacramental Planner! This simple and easy to use planner has been an anchor point for me each week especially during this busy time of year when we have a lot going on as a small business!

How I'm currently using the Sacramental Planner…

  1. I like to print off about 10 copies at a time using my trusty printer from Costco! This makes it easy to grab each week and I'm not fiddling with my printer settings or remembering to add more paper to the tray.

  2. Typically I block off time on Sunday evening or Monday morning to fill in my week. Side note - this is just one piece of paper! You probably cannot fill in every single thing you plan on doing that week. I like to think of hitting the “high points” of the week - aka major events, deadlines, and meetings that I need to prioritize.

  3. Schedule in my specific times for prayer - just like you would with a friend! I like to pray from 3-4 each day during the Hour of Mercy along with daily Mass a couple times a week and Adoration on Thursdays. Your calendar protects what is most important to you and I have found this to be a practical and effective way to integrate prayer into my life.

  4. In the evening I review each day with gratitude and scan what I have going on the next day. This step is sometimes easy to miss but I've found it makes such a big impact on my heart's posture. Even on the seemingly worst of days, there is always something to give praise for. By always coming back to a place of gratitude I am able to tune my heart to regularly see the goodness of God in all parts of my life.

As my late grandfather used to say - “just put it on paper!” I don't know about you, but I spend so much time on my computer and phone, so taking the time to physically write things down and plan my week creates a sense of calm and gives me a clear head to focus on what is most important.


Just as a vine grows along a trellis, we are guided by our frameworks and routines. This planner offers a simple space to create specific time for prayer that both reduces overwhelm and clarifies priorities. Rather than a self improvement plan, it is a mindful way to discern how we spend our time as a beloved child of God and living out the week prayerfully. I hope this resource blesses you in your walk with Christ :)

Christie Peters is co-founder of Every Sacred Sunday as well as an artist and educator. Her favorite things include her pup named Peaches, Ignatian spirituality, and a good soup. Come say hi on Instagram!