5 Simple Steps for a Meaningful Lent

Lent is here!

And we’re here for it! Lent is one of my favorite liturgical seasons (tell me I’m not alone here!) and yet Ash Wednesday snuck up on me this year. Thank goodness it’s not too late to dive into the graces of this season!

The five steps below have helped me grow closer to Christ - I hope this simple Lenten plan and free printable habit tracker help in your spiritual journey this Lent as well!

Step 1: Prayerfully review the past

Set aside time (even 5 minutes) to enter into prayer and reflect on the past month. If you were looking at a snapshot of 2022 so far, how would you describe yourself as a disciple? I’ve found it’s helpful to review the elements of lifelong faith formation - prayer, knowledge, morality, Christian community, liturgy/Sacraments, and evangelization/service. Without judgement, take stock of where you are in your faith journey - are any elements preventing you from deepening your relationship with God?

Step 2: Hopefully plan for the future

What would it look like to have a stronger faith by Easter this year? How would that feel? How would you act? What spiritual graces (for example greater peace, joy, or clarity) are you seeking? Ask God to clarify your vision so you can see what He desires for you. This vision is what helps me keep focused when unexpected (and expected) obstacles arise during Lent.

Step 3: Write down your Lenten commitment

Based on your prayer in Steps 1 and 2, choose a Lenten commitment. A good litmus test is to ask the question: Will this action lead to the primary outcome of growing closer to God? If the answer is “Yes!”, then it’s probably a great commitment! (Not sure where to start? We love The Catholic Feminist’s list of 40 ideas here).

Writing your commitment down is the next step and greatly increases the odds of follow-through. In my experience, the best place to write down your Lenten commitment is somewhere permanent - for example in a yearly prayer journal or Sunday Mass journal. Christie and I designed the ESS Mass journal with this in mind, and every journal includes all the Sunday Mass readings with space for notes and reflection throughout Lent and beyond.

To further help you keep track of your Lenten commitment, we also created a supplemental Lent Habit Tracker you can download below.

Step 4: Intentionally and frequently receive the Sacraments

We are made to do hard things - but only with God’s help! Attending Mass and Confession are particularly helpful for me when I need to start again and renew my Lenten commitment - we’re all human and in continual need of God’s grace! You could try to add a daily Mass to your weekly schedule, plan time to go to Confession before Easter, or intentionally prepare for Sunday Mass by reading the readings beforehand.

Step 5: Reflect, receive, and restart

Once Easter arrives it’s just the beginning! Our Lenten habit tracker (see below) has space for you to reflect on Lent, give thanks for the blessings received in this season, and restart by looking forward to the Easter season. The pre- and post-season reflections in the ESS Mass journal further encourage this habit of prayerfully reflecting on the past and hopefully planning for the future.

And remember — there is no final grade at the end of Lent, no “A+” or star sticker we’re chasing after — God’s grace is freely given! My hope for all of us as we exit Lent is that our hands are open to better receive this grace, allowing His peace to center our days.

As always, thank you for being here friends! Christie and I are deep in production mode for some upcoming publications (praying, painting, and printing oh my!) and can’t wait to share more with you soon! We pray you have a very blessed Lenten season and joyful Easter!

In Him,


P.S. - Did you miss our “How to use a Mass Journal” guide?

What is a Mass journal? Who can use one? Is there a wrong way to do it?

Answers to these questions and all our favorite tips are in our latest PDF guide! Click below for the free download (no email necessary). Thanks friends!

P.P.S - Spread some love!

Brighten a friend’s day by gifting them a Mass journal or gift set of prints! We package each item with love and care — journals arrive in a decorative gift box with a sticker and 5x7 print, and our botanical prints are wrapped neatly in a canvas bag - gifting made easy!