Welcome to our My Mass Encounter series! Our mission at Every Sacred Sunday is to invite each person into deeper relationship with Christ by creating spiritual resources inspired by the beauty of the Catholic Church. In this monthly Q&A we will interview various Catholic individuals to share more about their personal prayer life and how they engage with the Mass. Our goal is to provide our community with beautiful insights that draw us into a deeper relationship with God. We’re so glad you’re here and welcome to the ESS fam!
Images taken by Gabrielle Alvear.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. What has your faith journey been like? What has your relationship to the Mass been throughout your life?
I guess you could say I'm a "cradle Catholic" having been raised in a Catholic household all my life. Growing up, Sundays were spent getting ready for church, going to Mass with my family and then having McDonalds for lunch afterwards. I've always loved going to Mass and still regularly attend with my parents (now online but in-person if we get the chance). However, it was only a few years ago when I began to take more ownership of my faith, that my knowledge and understanding of the Eucharist grew and elevated my prayers and intentions going into Mass. No matter the kind of week I've had, I always look forward to participating in the sacrifice of the Mass and re-charging my spiritual batteries with His Presence (which sustains me infinitely more than McDonalds ever could).
Can you recall a Mass that was especially meaningful or memorable for you? What was it like?
This was in the spring of 2017, when I had just graduated from university and got to celebrate my birthday in Paris. My favourite memory from the trip took place inside the Notre Dame after Sunday Mass, when the sweet elderly lady who sat next to me, and kindly shared her translated hymn booklet with me during Mass, decided to strike up a conversation. We spent the next 30 min. talking about life and her incredible travels, and I told her how much I can't wait to see the world. She then took both of my hands and told me, "If there's one piece of advice I can give - be brave. Go and be brave." In that moment I really felt God's loving presence and encouragement. How is it that I could be in this sanctuary, in His presence, in a city I've just arrived in to celebrate a milestone in my life, to have received the kindest of welcomes and greatest of send offs a stranger could give?! I remember it so vividly and the experience reminds me of the truth that the things of this world will come and go. But maybe if we can approach change and adversity with a bit of bravery and brilliance, rooted in His grace, we can face the earthly challenges that come our way.
What has helped you stay rooted in prayer this past year?
Technology and Small Groups. At a Youth Ministry conference two years ago, the presenter had mentioned in passing setting an alarm on her phone for 4:18 pm (Luke 4:18) to pray for a particular intention. She said it so casually and it was the simplest idea, but I had to pause for that mind blowing moment of personal revelation! So, everyday I pause what I am doing when my alarm goes off at 12:00 pm to pray the Angelus and at 9:30 pm when it's time to pray Evening Offering. Joining small groups, like young adult book clubs, has also added variety and kept me accountable to engaging with my prayer life on a weekly basis. By learning from their experiences, I get to encounter Jesus through other people and find I have even more to pray about after each session. Both of these things have provided the routine and structure I needed this past year, and even if I wasn't entering prayer time as prepped and pious as I'd like, at least I could exercise discipline and consistency, showing up for Christ and offering myself to Him in prayer.
What advice would you give our readers who struggle to enter into the Mass?
Let your struggle become a prayer. Showing up is important and for some people half the battle. Remember that the Mass was instituted by Christ for you, because in His infinite love and intimate understanding, He knows exactly what you're experiencing and wants you to trust Him with what's on your mind. Offer up your joys, sufferings, distractions and questions to God, and ask our Blessed Mother Mary to guide you back to her Son - as many times as you need it.
How does ESS help you prepare, engage, and reflect on the Mass? How does the ESS Mass Journal fit into your prayer routine?
The ESS Mass Journal helps to ground me in the present moment at Mass. Before having the journal, there would be times when something from the readings or homily would strike me and I felt an itch to write it down but mostly failed to commit the thought to memory. The physical act of holding the journal and writing with the prompts, helps me to focus and re-orient my thoughts back to Jesus when my mind gets distracted.
The journal has also brought a lot of newness to my prayer routine. If I'm entering a bit scattered or I have some time before Mass starts, I try to pray the St. Thomas Aquinas Prayer in the back of the journal and let it re-center me. It's also helped me to keep track and celebrate solemnities and feast days! Maybe what I love most about this journal are the introductions and closing reflections for every liturgical season that call us to reflect on our faith journey based on what we wrote. There's wisdom to be gained when we take the time to look back at where we encountered Christ and the unique ways His Spirit spoke to us.
Check out this month’s freebie!
Gratitude & connection have been on our minds lately - who in your life are you grateful for? Connect with them by sending this card with an original illustration from Christie!
Gabrielle Alvear is a woman in tech and visual storyteller living in Canada. She loves journalling, Doctor Who and having long conversations with God through Scripture. When she's not helping to lead Youth and Young Adult Ministries at her parish, you'll find her curled up with a book and sipping on tea. You can check out her bookish adventures here.
Did you miss last month’s interview with Frankie Garcia? Click here to check it out!