Welcome to our My Mass Encounter series! Our mission at Every Sacred Sunday is to invite each person into deeper relationship with Christ by creating spiritual resources inspired by the beauty of the Catholic Church. In this monthly Q&A we will interview various Catholic individuals to share more about their personal prayer life and how they engage with the Mass. Our goal is to provide our community with beautiful insights that draw us into a deeper relationship with God. We’re so glad you’re here and welcome to the ESS fam!
Tell us a little bit about yourself. What has your faith journey been like?
I grew up with a father who avoided church like the plague and a mother who made sure my siblings and I went to mass each week. Because my father hated the topic of faith, I grew up in a household where we never talked about Christ, the meaning of the Mass, or the beauty of God the Father. Fast forward to high school, I had friends from my class who happened to go to the same church as I do and they invited me to go to a retreat with them. My first thought was “heck no! I don’t even know what a retreat is...Church is boring...I'm pretty sure people who choose to spend their weekend at a church event are just trying to look holy…” but I also had major FOMO (fear of missing out) so I hesitantly agreed. That weekend changed my life. I experienced Adoration for the first time and it was the first time I knew a relationship with Christ was possible!
What advice would you give our readers who struggle to enter into mass?
If you feel “checked out” or consistently don’t “get anything out of the Mass”: First, allow yourself to come to grips with the Mass as a mystery. All Sacraments, while celebrated in a physical form, are indeed mysteries. Start there, then open your heart to seeing the Mass differently, to actually listening to the words, and being patient with the experience. Learn more about the Mass (I highly recommend Behold the Mystery) and ask the Lord to really open your eyes to seeing this beautiful prayer in a different way. Spend time before Mass reading and reflecting upon the scriptures for that day. Ask God to open you up to the wisdom and grace flowing through His word and how His word applies directly to your life. Reading ahead of time also helps us focus more when the scriptures are proclaimed. The Mass is actually a wedding ceremony where Christ marries Himself to the Church (us). It’s easy to be lazy here because Mass can feel routine. But dressing appropriately for the occasion also helps us psychologically. When we dress as if something is important, we tend to act as if it’s important. And the fact is that Mass is the most important part of your week (or day if you are a daily Mass attendant).
What has helped you stay rooted in prayer this past year?
A couple of things!
The sacraments! Running to adoration, confession and Mass as often as I can.
My ESS journal! Journaling what’s on my heart as I read scripture passages of that weekend or jotting down some good points from the homily!
Creating an at-home prayer space. A space that is quiet and beautiful that I can spend time in to read scripture, listen to worship music, or to just sit in silence!
How do you avoid distraction and stay centered in prayer during Mass?
Every Catholic has their “Mass distraction time”. Some people get bored during the music, some get distracted during homilies, and some during the regular parts of the Mass we hear every week. Some of us have been going to Mass so long we’ve gotten bored at every part of it at some point. If you find yourself getting bored singing a hymn, find one line that sticks out to you and keep it in the back of your mind throughout the song. If you have trouble listening to scripture, read it beforehand and again during the mass! Sometimes it’s easier to visually follow along. If the homily isn’t your favorite, pick out one line and sit with it in the back of your head. You can always find a hidden gem in the homilies. During the Creed, remind yourself what you are doing: you are making it publicly known that you stand in the ancient heritage of God’s family and look forward to living with Him and that family forever. Post-Communion is a time for personal reflection. Remember that Jesus Christ is as close as He can get to your heart. He allowed Himself to be received by you so that He can receive you. Be with Him!
How does ESS help you prepare, engage, and reflect on the Mass? How does that ESS Mass Journal fit into your prayer routine?
I sit with the readings each Sunday before Mass to read the passages for the day. As I hear the readings again during the Liturgy, I am able to pick out what stands out to me and contemplate the Word! And after Mass, I usually go to a coffee shop to journal and write down my prayer intentions for the week as well as what I am thankful for.
Check out this month’s freebie!
Let’s slow down with a fun coloring sheet!
Valerie Delgado is an artist, dreamer, daughter of the Father, and the owner of her online shop, PAX.Beloved. She is passionate about designing beautiful, relatable Catholic art that leads to the heart of the Father. Come say hi on Instagram!
Did you miss last month’s interview with Gabrielle Alvear? Click here to check it out!