December 25th, 2023: The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

Amongst Filipino families, the eve of Christmas brings the busiest, most central, and happiest of the Christmas festivities also known as the Noche Buena. Our family is no exception. After a year of recuperating from cancer, reuniting with our extended family in Toronto, you best bet that we went all out for last year’s Christmas Eve preparation. We made a 6-course meal from scratch, one that could rival a 2-Michelin starred restaurant; a departure from the family style that is common to most Noche Buenas. We paired each course with its own wine and cocktail. Like I said – all out. And after dinner, we stayed up opening presents, playing games, telling stories, and enjoying each other’s company. 

So, it’s not a surprise that we all woke up late for Mass on Christmas day.

Imagine the chaos that ensued as we all hurried to get ready for Mass, with my in-laws and small nephews in tow (think: the first Home Alone, with everyone rushing to get to the airport). It didn’t help that it was -25 C cold (-13 F for my American friends). Tisa, my wife, also wasn’t feeling well as this trip home was on the tail end of our 3-week vacation to Japan and Singapore. Not to mention the jetlag was getting to us. When we got to the parking lot we quickly realized the lot was full, considering what day it was. I bemoaned all the Christmas only-goers, whose presence meant that we had to park at the far end of the lot. We got in the church and could barely find a seat. When Mass started, the priest had his own ideas about how the liturgy should go; he didn’t “say the black” nor “do the red” as the saying goes. You could see people getting restless and fidgeting all throughout. One guy a pew or two behind us started watching a TikTok out loud. I was annoyed. And I was getting more and more agitated as each new annoyance came into view. I began to fall into a spiral of negativity as Jesus was being made present during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Then it hit me.

This is why Jesus came.

He came for the Easter/Christmas Church goer. He came for the imperfect priest. He came for the person watching TikTok at Church. He came for those who didn't go to Church. He came for you. And He came for the self-righteous me.

I found myself holding back my tears as best as I could - realizing that I still very much need Jesus as much as the people that I think "need" Jesus. What a gift, to receive Jesus Christ our Savior even if we do not deserve Him. 

I thank God that He is God, and that I am not.

Merry Christmas!

Kevin Muico is a husband, lay-missionary, and a cancer-survivor. Together with his wife Tisa, he co-owns Friends in High Places, a small business built around their friendship with the saints. When Kevin is not away on mission, he’s usually listening to audiobooks and making a mean cup of coffee! Come say hi on Instagram.