February 4th, 2024: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

I want to pose a bold question to you right off the bat: Do you believe that God is the God of miracles of the Bible, that He really exists, really came to the earth in the form of a man named Jesus, really performed miracles, raised the dead to life, healed the blind, the mute, the sick and the lame? Do you really believe that Jesus died and rose back to life? Do you believe that same power that raised Jesus, the Holy Spirit, now dwells in you? That you are given the same charge as Jesus in this world right now? 

Sometimes as followers of Jesus we can slip into an easy, mundane Christian living experience where we actually don’t believe all the things above. Or, if we do believe, we don’t live as if we believe it. When you’re touched by God, your whole life changes. There is no going back to everyday living when you experience for yourself the saving power of God. When was the last time you encountered the Living God?

I think of the ill and those possessed by demons as it’s mentioned in the Gospel today. What did their lives look like after they were healed? Did they go back to everyday living? What did they do after they were healed?

When the Lord heals, something miraculous takes place, and I believe Simon’s mother in law is a perfect example of what to do next — she waited on them. She served. Her life was changed and so was her mission. 

When was the last time you were healed by Jesus in a big or small way? I know whenever I encounter God again and again, I’m immediately spurred on to serve Him and the piece of the Kingdom of Heaven entrusted to me on this earth. There has been an obligation that has been imposed on me and woe to me if I do not preach! 

Friends, the Lord wants to encounter you in a new way today. He wants to show you that He is real, that He is trustworthy, and that He has a plan for your life. Will you allow yourself to encounter, for the first time or millionth time, the Living and True God? It’s for this purpose that Jesus came.

Ali Hoffman loves Jesus, her family and doodling. She travels the globe full time preaching the Gospel and making disciples.