January 28th, 2024: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

Today’s second reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians reminds us that if God isn’t the central focus of our lives, we’re bound to get weighed down by the worries of this world. St. Paul talks about the ongoing battle of being distracted away from God. He calls us to be free of the anxieties of the world, and be concerned with the things of God.

I grew up in Bangalore, India, and I was blessed with the ability to perform exceedingly well in school. As great advocates of education, my parents pushed me to excel in my academics. It became my sole desire in life – to be successful in school and pursue a career that would sustain an affluent lifestyle. My education brought me to the US where I pursued a master’s degree in biomedical engineering, and I landed a job at one of the best cancer centers in the world. Although I received many accolades, I was always looking for the next big thing that would satiate my inner desires to make me successful in my established career. 

My desire was to please my parents, extended family, and society at large, but over time got lost in this vicious circle of trying to appease everyone. I realized that I had lost touch with the Giver of all good gifts – Christ Himself – and I was using His gifts for my selfish goals. As I pondered over this, I decided to get my act together and use my gifts to bring Him glory. With this realization, I no longer hungered for the next accolade, but focused my career to serve Him through the incredible gifts He provided me with.

So, I’d like to exhort everyone to place Christ at the center of their lives, as St. Paul tells the Corinthians.  When we come to this realization, our desires will truly be met, and we will continue to see the blessings that flow from Him. It is my sincere prayer that you do not get distracted or bogged down by the worries of this world. By prioritizing Him in your life, you will see your yolk being lightened and the joy and peace that comes along with it.

Jithesh Augustine is a senior scientist at MD Anderson Cancer Center finding novel treatments for pancreatic cancer. He enjoys reading science and spiritual books and listening to theological podcasts. He grasps at every opportunity to evangelize and engage young adults in his community.