February 5, 2023: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

The evil one consistently tries to paralyze me with fear and doubt whenever I have the inkling to move towards holiness. I know from the first reading from Isaiah and the countless times that Christ repeats it that I’m called to share my bread with the hungry, shelter the oppressed, and be a light to shine before others— but the scare tactics of devil fill my head and heart with lies:

“You just hope someone will see you give to this homeless man”

“You think you’re so holy that you can evangelize to the guy at work? LOL good luck…”

“This person knows so much more about the Scripture than you…you’ll be in over your head if you try to defend (insert truth held by the Catholic Church here).

These lies from the pit of hell seek to stop me from being and bringing Christ to the people around me as I’m called to do. In direct response to my fears, the Holy Spirit seems to have personally addressed St. Paul’s letter to me which provided me with motivation as well as consolation that even Paul had “weakness and fear and much trembling” as he spread the Gospel to the world. However, Paul chose holiness and action over mediocrity and fear when he decided that in the face of his trepidation, he would rest his entire ministry and life on the power of God. It was his acknowledgement of his own weakness before the suggestions of the devil and his full reliance on Christ that was Paul’s greatest strength and which allowed him to quite literally change the world.

The next time I’m faced with an opportunity to choose God’s will, I pray for the grace to follow Paul’s example. I pray for the fortitude to choose holiness over comfort and truth over lies.

What might God be calling you to do about which Satan is suggesting fear and doubt in your mind and heart?

Tomás Aguilar is a Marine Corps Officer from Pennsylvania living just north of Jacksonville, Florida. When not in uniform you can find him hiking, biking, building, singing or cooking! Check out his Instagram to see his world travels, his beautiful fiancé Natalye, and his attempts to find and imitate the face of Christ in everyday life.


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