The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.
I remember being a sophomore in college and feeling as if every day was the same one over and over again. Every day had the mundane plot of getting ready, taking the same route to class, doing homework, then heading home to rest and do it all over again. I was convinced this chapter of my life would never end, nor would it ever change.
But one evening, I felt this strong desire to pray and ask for a new chapter to begin. I began to say a simple and honest prayer, asking the Lord to help me experience His presence throughout my daily life. I was anxious, not knowing how things would change, but I took a risk and put my heart on the line for the Lord.
Taking that risk was the best decision I made in that season. My daily routine and my uncertainty remained the same, yet I felt my heart gradually changing as I continued to say that honest prayer. As moments of silence turned into hearing His whisper in prayer, I began to see Him in simple things like the flowers and the sunset, and my heart began to let down its walls as it healed and received love.
The Lord transformed my heart in those little moments. He continues to transform it even now, as I allow Him to enter my heart.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus performs His first public miracle: transforming water into wine. Though the servers may have been wary of letting Him instruct them, they take the risk of inviting Him into their lives. As they do this, Jesus does not hesitate to take something so ordinary and make it into something new. He transformed water into wine for the feast, “revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.”
How often we are given the opportunity to invite Him into our lives and our hearts, friends? From experiencing His creation in nature and the people around us, to experiencing the Mass where bread and wine are transformed into His Body and Blood, we are given countless opportunities to be transformed. Have faith that He is present in your day, even when it may seem like every other day that has passed.
Take the risk. Allow the Lord to enter your life. Let your heart and your life be transformed.
Chrysta Joy Jaucian is a singer-songwriter, student, and missionary from Houston, Texas. She serves with Adore Ministries, a grassroots ministry focused on knowing, loving, and serving God. Chrysta loves drinking coffee, capturing candid moments with her phone camera, and sharing joy with others. Come say hi on Instagram!