January 23, 2022: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

A couple months ago, a priest friend urged me to watch the movie "Dune". Without spoiling the entire film, I can confirm that it was a great suggestion. What stood out most was the idea of prophetic fulfillment. The people in the story have a desire for a savior that has been foretold for generations and generations. And there is this mystery and awe around the protagonist, Paul, who might be the very one foretold. Scenes when characters are reminded of the prophecy upon encountering Paul are particularly striking. There is a certain power to the fulfillment of a desire that is more than just individual; a desire that lies in the heart of an entire people.

As silly as it sounds, this movie has awakened my own gratitude for prophetic fulfillment. I find myself more moved by scenes like the Presentation in the Temple while praying the Rosary. And I find myself more moved by Gospel passages like the one in this Third Sunday of Ordinary Time.

Jesus stands up in the synagogue and reads from the great prophet Isaiah, about the anointed one that was foretold. He reads to a synagogue full of men who have spent their entire life focused on God and the gifts he has prepared for mankind. And then he says these words: “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Mic drop.

Whatever feelings we get from watching Dune or any film with an image of prophecy, those are at best only imitations of the greatest prophecy ever told: the prophecy of the Messiah, the Anointed One. The desire for Jesus Christ lies in the heart of our human race. The desire for Jesus Christ lies in your heart and in mine. And that desire has been fulfilled.

Dcn. Christopher Meyer is a transitional deacon for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston preparing for ordination to the priesthood this upcoming summer. His latest obsession is telling everyone to read Island of the World by Michael O’Brien. You can follow him on Instagram.