July 3, 2022: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

In today's Gospel, Jesus commissions seventy-two disciples to go out and spread the Good News.

Being ambassadors of Christ, we are called to proclaim the Gospel to those around us, especially non-Christians or those who don’t affiliate themselves with any religion. Some of them may reject the Gospel outright, but that should not dampen our spirits. The Holy Spirit, which Christ has breathed upon us, will embolden us to carry out Christ’s mission in this broken world.

I grew up in a Catholic home that laid no emphasis on evangelization and its significance. I did not really understand the actual essence and meaning of my faith. I attended Sunday Mass for the sake of fulfilling an obligation and satisfying my parents’ wishes.

When I moved to the States, I encountered American Christians, who showed their love in various ways. As an international student from India, the Americans would give me rides to the grocery shops and help me get by when I did not have transportation of my own, leading to special friendships. I wondered to myself why these people loved and cared the way they did. It was Christ’s example that had changed them, and they felt the need to share His love to welcome internationals like me. This challenged my faith in a unique and deep way.

Most of these American Christians were Protestants, and slowly they challenged my faith as a Catholic and asked deep questions pertaining to my individual faith journey. I realized that I didn’t know my Bible as well as some of these American Protestants. This led me to pursue my faith on a whole new level; I now spearhead bible studies in my local parish—Holy Rosary Catholic Church, where I’m on fire to spread the Gospel to those sincerely searching and seeking to know their faith in a deep and profound way.

As Isaiah narrates the motherly care and the splendor of the Heavenly Jerusalem City, we must long for it and share Christ’s love to bring others towards it. It is where we will eternally enjoy the fruits of our labor, hence our focus should be in bringing souls to Christ. Not everything in this current world is as significant to the eternal glory that Christ has promised us, so as the seventy-two disciples went on their mission, we too must boldly go out into this world and bring the light of Christ to the entire human race.

Jithesh Augustine is a senior scientist at MD Anderson Cancer Center finding novel treatments for pancreatic cancer. He enjoys reading science and spiritual books and listening to theological podcasts. He grasps at every opportunity to evangelize and engage young adults in his community.