June 29, 2022: Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

One of my favorite songs, "Hope of Heaven" by Novum , has a lyric that deeply resonates with me:

“Though trials may come and go, You remain steady.

And oh, I know You will not let go. I have the hope of heaven.”

In today’s second reading, St. Paul reminds us of God’s steadfastness. I often reflect on what it means to have a Lord that loves each one of us so intentionally and consistently. The Lord stands by us and gives us strength, and we have the hope that the Lord will be by our side through trials and uncertainties. We have hope that we will one day be united with Him in heaven.

For most of my life I have struggled with depression and anxiety. I can’t really recall a time in my life when I wasn’t anxious. Although my therapist would recommend various coping strategies, I had a very hard time reflecting on any good in my life. To say I felt far from the Lord would be an understatement.

One summer, I was experiencing some vey bad episodes and I had thoughts of suicide. I thought that there was no way that the Lord could rescue me from such darkness. I thought He had left my side. I felt like a lost cause.

St. Paul reminds us,
“The Lord stood by me and gave me strength,
so that through me the proclamation might be completed…”

The Lord will stand by us.

St. Paul not only shares his hope as a means of encouragement, but of truth. By the grace of God, I had people dear to me encourage me to pray and seek medical support. And by the grace of God, I am still here to share my witness.

The Lord will not give up on us.

The Lord will not give up on you.

Your life is a vessel through which God’s message is spread.

Our hope of heaven isn’t a wish- it's real.

“Though trials may come and go, You remain steady.

And oh, I know You will not let go. I have the hope of heaven.”

I pray for each one of you reading this, that you experience the steadfast love that the Lord has for you. He loves you intentionally and consistently. Please pray for me friends, I will be praying for you!

Chenele Shaw is a former youth minister and current young adult trying to live her life for Christ, frequent her therapist, and eat all the cheese! She desires to be her authentic self and help others as well. You can find her watching reality tv, going to confession, and updating her Spotify playlists. Follow her on Instagram!