June 24, 2022: Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

The associated reading for this reflection can be found in your Every Sacred Sunday Mass journal or online here.

Moving back to the States after years living in Asia to start high school was a difficult adjustment. Many times I did not feel at home, Texan, or American. Finally my senior year of college, I began to find a sense of normalcy. But with graduation approaching, dread of the unknown loomed over me. Despite being away from the Catholic faith throughout college, the one place I continually found solace in was the consistency and familiarity of Mass.

I could always count on Jesus to be there for my Sunday “scaries”: my dread of Monday morning. In those quiet moments, His Sacred Heart became my home and gave me focus. Jesus steadily guided me past my anxiety as I transitioned into adult life. His Sacred Heart taught me how to love my neighbor as He loves me. Standing a decade later, I am grateful for the growth I’ve made in my faith, career, and friendships which have shaped me into who I am today.

Jesus also wants to embark on a timeless discovery with you; for a meaningful life that He has planned just for you. Let Him into your heart in times of uncertainty; let go and join in this adventure with Him.

He is here, no matter what, to carry us through our burdens and fears. Our Lord is truly our shepherd who “in verdant pastures gives [us] repose; beside restful waters he leads [us]; he refreshes [our] soul[s].” Psalm 23:3. He is ready to exceed any expectation that we can imagine. Jesus’ Sacred Heart is dedicated to us. We do not have to figure everything out alone.

As we look upon the Sacred Heart image today, may we take comfort in His loving gaze and gentle presence. I encourage you to reflect on the memories, thoughts, or emotions this image evokes for you. The rays of light from His Sacred Heart reach out towards us to remind us we are loved, and made to be the light of truth for His kingdom. Our patient Lord desires to grace us with the Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (such as everlasting peace, mercy and more) by devoting ourselves to the first Friday Mass each month.

On this Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I invite you to open or renew your heart to Jesus’ promises by celebrating an upcoming first Friday Mass with Him and in prayer: “O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you all my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart.”

Keep shining your light in all you do!

Mylinh Vo is a native Houstonian, who you can find spending time outdoors, with friends and family, dancing, or listening to a good podcast. She is currently hoping to learn more about St. Joan of Arc this year and would love any relatable art or book recommendations. Please feel free to say hi here!